Garden Update; Checking the Yields
It’s nearing the end of the summer and I’m wondering just how much has my garden produced after all the blood, sweat & tears (and water and money) I’ve poured into it. So far, the results have been pretty good (see below). It’s not…
Midsummer’s Garden Vegetable Ratatouille
Ratatouille Recipe; a fresh and tasty way to use up the midsummer garden surplus of zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes and peppers.
Garden Update; Preserving the Harvest
In a perfect would garden harvest would come in easy amounts, just as you would buy the same food at the grocery store; a few tomatoes every couple of days, one zucchini a week, one eggplant, etc. Real life is…
Zucchini and Arugula Salad with Lemon-Anchovy Dressing
A simple, yet fantastic salad made with raw zucchini, arugula and an anchovy-lemon dressing. Inspired by a puntarelle salad in Rome.
Garden Update-Have I Won the Battle?
I may not have won the war, but I may have won the battle, at least for now. It seems like my monsters have found other places to dig besides in and around my garden beds. I like to imagine…
Garden Update-The War Rages On
They are trying to dig to China, my garden monsters. Every night they dig, dig, dig, tunneling under the garden beds in search of literal pay-dirt. My garden pathways, once lined with pristine pea gravel, are now a mix of dirt…
Garden Update; Breaking Even with the Monsters
In my previous post about the expense of gardening I know I said I hoped not to have too much more non-plant related expense, but alas, I spoke too soon. The digging of the raccoons got to be detrimental to…
When Does “Growing Your Own” Become Too Expensive?
When does growing your own vegetables become too expensive?