• Reviews

    21 Day Cleanse Diet Wrap Up

    Many of you have been following along with the 21 Day Cleanse Diet I’ve been doing. You’ve seen the vegan recipes. You’ve heard the highs and lows, the trials and tribulations. Now here’s the recap. I did it! Three whole…

  • Recipes

    Cleanse Diet Week 2

    Week 2 Observations: It’s been an interesting week filled with highs and lows. The week started with an epic cooking fail on my part. I tried to make a vegan, gluten free, “sugar” free “cheesecake.” Really. What was I thinking?…

  • Recipes

    Cleanse Diet Week 1

    Day 0: Preparation and Vegan Product Review The day before my cleanse diet began I went shopping, armed with a list of “acceptable” ingredients from the Quantum Wellness Guide book. I shopped primarily at Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods. This…

  • Recipes

    21 Day Cleanse Diet

    I’ve been thinking a lot about food lately. No surprise there, right? However, I’m not thinking about which dessert to make next, but rather how I can eat in a healthier, more responsible, and sustainable way. A few months ago…