
Cleanse Diet Week 2

Week 2 Observations:

It’s been an interesting week filled with highs and lows.

The week started with an epic cooking fail on my part. I tried to make a vegan, gluten free, “sugar” free “cheesecake.” Really. What was I thinking? The cheesecake was made with vegan cream cheese, silken tofu, egg replacer, agave syrup and cocoa powder. I made a crust out of finely chopped hazelnuts and vegan butter and topped it with the vegan sour cream. It was baked. The result? The center section wasn’t chocolate or sweet enough but the texture was actually pretty good. The crust and topping were horrible. I threw most of it in the trash.

Then I came across an article about agave syrup which made me question if it was indeed something I should even be eating. Which for about a day led me to have a crisis of confidence in this whole experiment. Somehow though I managed to push through it and have kept to my goals.

I’ve also been fascinated by how freaked out some people are when I tell them what I’m doing. It’s almost as if they feel personally threatened by my dietary choices. It’s led to some interesting discussions.

One of my goals in eating healthier is to avoid “processed” foods. I’m stunned at some of the highly processed foods out there for vegetarians. Has anyone seen that hideous stuffed tofurky concoction at Trader Joe’s? And the Tofutti sour cream and cream cheese products are just that; “products.” There is nothing natural about them; they taste and look plastic. The other “fake meat” products are just as bad.

People keep asking me if I feel better. I think so, but honestly, it’s hard to tell. I feel fine. I am noticing that my cravings are changing. I have no desire to eat a big cheeseburger but now I am dreaming about a salad topped with a perfectly grilled piece of salmon. I only crave the ritual of coffee, but not the drink. I still miss good plain real yogurt, cheese and chocolate and look forward to eating them again but a big glass of milk? I’m not so sure. I can’t wait to bake bread and other bakery goodies again. The gluten free bread is just not the same.

Meals for week 2:

Day 8:
Breakfast: Protein Shake with soy milk, soy protein powder, blueberries and agave syrup. Gluten Free bread, toasted.
Lunch: French Green Lentil and Spinach Soup with Cilantro Yogurt
Dinner: Thai Red Curry with Tofu over brown rice
Snacks: Trader Joe’s Organic Popcorn with Olive Oil, Tangerine, Apple

Day 9:
Breakfast: Oatmeal with sliced banana
Lunch: Beet salad with arugula, truffle oil and hazelnuts. Thick cut french fries. (restaurant meal)
Dinner: Veggie burger on GF bread with Vegannaise, sliced avocado and grilled portobello mushroom with balsamic vinegar.
Snacks: Trader Joe’s Organic Popcorn with Olive Oil, Tangerine, Trek mix, raisins

Day 10:
Breakfast: Oat Bran hot cereal with blueberries and agave syrup
Lunch: French Green Lentil and Spinach Soup with Cilantro Yogurt
Dinner: Corn tortilla quesadilla and salsa. “Eggless Egg Salad” made with tofu and rice crackers.
Snacks: Trader Joe’s Organic Popcorn with Olive Oil, Tangerine, Trek mix, baby carrots and snap peas with hummus.

Day 11:
Breakfast: Protein Shake with soy milk, soy protein powder, blueberries and agave syrup.
Lunch: Brown rice tortilla with hummus, cucumber and avocado
Dinner: Mushroom and Asparagus Risotto. Salad with pesto vinaigrette.
Snacks: Trader Joe’s Organic Popcorn with Olive Oil, Tangerine, GF bread with peanut butter and jelly.

Day 12:
Breakfast: Protein Shake with soy milk, soy protein powder, blueberries and 1/2 a banana.
Lunch: Baby lettuce salad. Eggplant with spicy sauce.
Dinner: Mushroom and Asparagus Risotto.
Snacks: Trader Joe’s Organic Popcorn with Olive Oil, Tangerine, carrots, snap peas and hummus.

Day 13:
Breakfast: Oatmeal with blueberries and agave syrup.
Lunch: Baked Potato with olive tapenade.
Dinner: Brown rice pasta with marinara sauce, eggplant, spinach and vegan mozarrella.
Snacks: Protein Shake with soy milk, soy protein powder, blueberries and agave syrup. Trek mix. Rice chips and hummus.

Day 14:
Breakfast: Gluten Free bread, toasted, with peanut butter and jelly.
Lunch: Baked Potato with olive tapenade.
Dinner: Tofu Stir Fry with brown rice
Snacks: Leftover brown rice pasta with marinara sauce, eggplant, spinach and vegan mozarrella.

Weight loss total for 2 weeks: 3.5 lbs


  • Joy

    “I’ve also been fascinated by how freaked out some people are when I tell them what I’m doing. It’s almost as if they feel personally threatened by my dietary choices. It’s led to some interesting discussions.”

    For friends who go under a cleanse or diet, I usually ask: “Up to when are you doing this?” Because my main concern is what we’re going to eat when we hang out, and when we’ll be able to dine out again and not have to think about all the dietary restrictions. There, I said it! I cook and eat vegetarian/vegan/raw fares at home, but I’m open to anything when I’m out with friends or family. The “threat” for me, personally, was the social aspect of it.

    Did you miss the wine or alcohol in your diet and cooking? I assume it was not allowed in the program.

    • formerchef

      Yes, I missed my wine. I also missed the social aspect of eating with friends. During those 21 days, I did not eat out with friends at all. it just would have been way too hard.

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