Jiffy Pop Greenhouse
This past weekend I planted some seeds. I wanted to give them a fighting chance against the Little Monsters in my garden so I decided to start them in a tray instead of in the ground.
At Home Depot when looking at the seeds I found this nifty Jiffy Greenhouse. Just add water and POOF!, the little peat packets expand like your favorite stove-top popcorn of yore. All for under $5.
I planted Leeks, Beets, Blue Lake Green Beans, Lemon Cucumber, Sugar Snap Beans, and Arugula seeds.
After 3 days it looks like the Arugula seeds are starting to sprout.
This means WAR!
This morning I went down to check on my garden and discovered that not only have the Little Monsters been digging in the beds, they are now doing irreparable damage. They pulled up my Japanese Cucumber plants and Crook-neck squash and tossed them about with wild abandon. Fortunately, I was able to re-plant them. They have also been digging in my Onions and Potatoes. Then there are the insects (grasshoppers? earwigs?) which are eating my Eggplants, Arugula and Basil.
What’s next, a Plague of Locusts?
But the crushing blow came when I discovered one of my tomato plants completely missing. There wasn’t even a hole where it had been planted, only the little plastic stake with the name on it. I looked around in vain but could not find the plant anywhere.
R.I.P. “Kellogg’s Breakfast”.
This might work: go to the store and buy what none of us had in our houses last week:finely ground black pepper. Mix with some cayenne, sprinkle liberally around plants…they sniff, they sneeze..they don’t like it.
I’m going to try it!